Founder & Lead Steward


 J. Miakoda Taylor

Founder & Lead Steward

Lead Consultant & Trainer

Lead Coach

See Events & Resources for past and future talks.

J. Miakoda Taylor (we/us/they/them pronouns) is a two-spirit descendant of Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, enslaved Africans, and European immigrants, residing on unceded Chochenyo/Ohlone territory (Berkeley, CA). They are the sole parent of an Afro-Indigenous-Latinx star-being, and their primary purpose is to nourish, grow, protect, and build the resilience of their child’s light. 

In service of this, Miakoda is in a committed practice of distilling 20+ years of personal and professional experience in the fields of Transformative Justice, emotional-social-somatic intelligence, personal-social-ancestral trauma healing, eco-pedagogy, power analysis, and experiential & Popular Education, into gifts of service that source freedom, joy, and resilience within and around them. As the founder and lead steward of the Fierce Allies Community of Practice, Miakoda builds intimate and meaningful collaborations, primarily with Black, Indigenous and other POC leaders representing a wide range of sectors in the Equity & Justice ecosystem including: food justice, Indigenous lifeways, immigrant rights, education, criminal justice, public health, child and family services, and eco-stewardship. Together, Miakoda and these leaders are evolving the Fierce Allies body of work to actualize JEDI 2.0: Justice, Equity, Decolonization & Intersectionality as the absolute baseline for the Equity & Justice field.  

Miakoda is a 2021 grantee for the nationally competitive Racial Equity to Accelerate Change (REACH) Fund through Borealis Philanthropy. They are also an award winning photographer, who has received several fellowships including a J. W. Fulbright. Images from their work have been exhibited throughout the world, most notably as part of the United Nations World Conference Against Racism and at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They are also an avid meditator, yogi, and dancer.

Miakoda and their people are: challenged by physical and emotional “disabilities,” victims and perpetrators of oppression and trauma, harmed by and beneficiaries of systemic oppression. They are humbled and proud to call all of these people, all living things, and all of you their relatives. They love and hold themselves accountable to and for the health and safety of all our relations, past, present, and future, two-legged and otherwise.

If you want to work with Miakoda, read about the possible Services and then click on the Get Started page to submit an initial intake form.